My Mini Moment
Enjoying our delicious Cinnamon Mini Scrolls at home. Photo Credit : May Leong
Baby, it's cold out here. When it's wintry days in Sydney, I'm in need of something warm and delicious. Over the weekend, I decided to throw a self-party at home with my partner in-crime, Leon and a few of our friends.
Having my mini moments with Baker's Delight 'Cinnamon Mini Rolls' are the best ever, paired with decadent home made hot chocolate.
The yummy sticky cinnamon scrolls are crafted by hand, with layers thinner than typical scrolls, jampacked with spicy cinnamon flavours. I'm in heaven! The mini scrolls are topped with a dollop of whipped Cream Cheese of Choc Cream Cheese for that extra umph.
I must say, my "Mini Cinni Moment" are my kind of afternoon snack in winter!
Stay warm, folks (for those who live in the Southern Hemisphere, ahah!)